Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Creating a Memory ....

I had been searching high and low for a print or canvas to put in the Book Nook since having that dreadful moment where I moved furniture around.
It is indeed a rarity for me to even move a coffee table unless I am mopping the floor so I honestly have no idea where the Nesting Instinct came from.

It is done now and the blank wall was driving me insane as it is visable when you walk past the Nook.

So ~ I went to our local Cheap Shop / Dollar Shop and grabbed a blank canvas. I had a few sample pots of a brand new ~ not released yet ~ paint by our LÉSSENTIEL Wax supplier called Pure Mineral Colour. I really wanted to challenge this exciting product and even went as far as to wipe some on my skin to see ..... would it cause my hands to flare?

It didnt ~

So let us begin.

I had mentioned I wanted to try something different apart from furniture and our supplier supported me 100% with some handy tips along with the sample of Raspberry Red.
(This is NOT a paid endorsement. We purchased the samples)

I covered the canvas with 3 good coats of the Rasperry Red ~ (I did use a water dipped brush to make the small pot go further and it certainly did!)

Wowsers! This Paint is thick, creamy & gorgeous.

I then used the Mod Podge Transfer method I found by googling. I reversed the words I needed in my Picmonkey Photo Editor and simply printed them out on the good old Inkjet Printer

I went through both our America Blogs here & here to make sure I didn't miss any of the places we had traveled.
(I did miss Flagstaff Arizona which didn't quite come out as clear as I would have liked.)

I smeared Mod Podge on the paper with a sponge and smoothed it out on the painted canvas. Left overnight to make sure it was really dry then soaked the paper with water and gently rubbed to reveal the words.
I went around the edges with a dusting of our LÉSSENTIEL Aging Powder to give it an aged feel. I wanted it to look like it had been around for years and years.

Two coats of Gloss Mod Podge to seal ~ leaving each coat to dry thoroughly ~ before hanging in The Book Nook.


We now have a little reminder of our trips to the US that is out and visable ... not stuck in a Jar or a box somewhere.......
I am not very crafty so I have to admit to being suitably chuffed with this little piece of Fabulous Art .......

Leave a comment and tell us what you think! We love to hear from you!

Stay Fabulous!