Monday, 7 October 2013

Last of the Packing

The last of the packing is almost done. We will be finishing the back yard today and cleaning up the empty Pots and outdoorsy type stuff ready to go on Saturday ..... Yes ....... Saturday .......
I cannot believe it is all so close to being OVER.

As of 7am today we have had no dramas but the day is young and yesterday all concerned absolutely assured me they would be done when we arrive next Monday 14th at some ungodly time of the morning.

Jason Our fab Tiler doing his thing

Had to show you our Upstairs Toilet ~The Marble Border runs all the way round the Bathroom as you know ~ I continued it into the toilet for a flow effect .....

(*snort* I love to pretend I know I what I am doing ...)

I am loving the little step down bit ~Jason made the decision to do that and we applaud him as it looks fabulous!

Blinds should be finished today and the Downstairs floor started .....

I am really really trying to not stress and

Stay Fabulous

fs vintage