Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Let the Renovation Games Begin.......

I am not sure if we call this Day one? For the sake of this Blog we shall ~so lets begin with Day one and see where we are.
We have been approved on our Renovation Loan so we can at least make a start. We have started a book filled with ideas ~probably limited by money of course but dreams is dreams....
I cant even put up a picture as we are yet to make the journey down to clean out the house and pack whats left away till its all done.
Mr Fab told me I would cry ~I am NOT a crying person so it must be pretty bad....HOWEVER *stiff upper lip* ~ we shall do what needs to be done and get the job finished and ready for us to go home.
My friends suggested I Blog about the Reno process as a kind of soothing balm if you will ~ when things get tough and my mind is mulling over Effective Ways To Dispose Of  A Body and looking directly at aforementioned and normally much loved ~Mr Fab..........Perhaps this will help me return my usual Place of Zenness?
We made a huge and massive mistake when we didnt pack everything up and put it into storage ~so lets begin with Lesson Number One:

1: Pack everything up and put it in Storage.

There are one or two things which I really hope are still there and in tact ~nothing valuable to anyone but me of course but extremely sentimental. I have been cranky and grumpy about a couple of things like my RayBan sunglasses which I purchased in the Eighties after saving for literally a year ~ gone and their case filled with a delightful pair of Fiorelli sunglasses...Ummmm no people ~ it is not the same. Fiorelli are quite cute of course but they are NOT original RayBan.
I had collected 50 cent pieces for about 20 odd years including quite a few round ones.....yep...gone.

Someone once said to me: " If someone steals from you ~ they must need it more than you."

I have decided to go with that bit of wisdom and move on.

In the midst of all this schmozzle we will still be doing what we do ~ Fabulous Scents Vintage Mason Jar candles. The new shop will be incorporated into the reno which is a tad exciting with a studio for my creating behind the store...Ohhhh yeah ~Fabulous.
So tune in for the Ups and probably a few Downs in the Fabulous Scents Vintage Renovations!

Stay Fabulous

fs vintage

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